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Skiing in Breckenridge

Skiing was primarily used for transport until the mid-19th century, when it became a recreational sport, and the world’s military has a long-standing relationship with it. Troops on the continent were first equipped with skis in 1747, with the first military ski races taking place in Norway later in the 18th century.

Although The Not Forgotten’s trips to Breckenridge aren’t based on transporting goods or competition, it’s safe to say that a few competitive spirits come out once everyone has found their feet/skis. It’s hard to avoid a bit of inter-service banter with 14 separate regiments and units from across the Royal Navy, Army and RAF all hitting the slopes.

Two groups of 13 headed out to the Rocky Mountains for one week of skiing each and, for a few days, our beneficiaries are free from the stresses and problems of their rehabilitation and are able to focus on what they can achieve rather than what they cannot. Successfully overcoming these challenges renews enthusiasm, improves feelings of self-worth and encourages them in other aspects of their lives, including rehabilitation, personal and family relationships and employment. Breckenridge is the perfect setting, with its quiet slopes and the superb BOEC instructors – some of whom are veterans themselves – making these few days incredibly valuable and rewarding.

“Not only did I make new friends but its shown me how much I could push myself out of my comfort zone.” – Anon.

Head over to our galleries to see more photos from the trip.