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Rest & Recuperation in France

The Not Forgotten was recently lucky enough to take a group of 15 to France for five days of relaxation, thanks to the generosity of Sarah and Simon Post.

A purposefully gentle trip, our guests were given the opportunity to go hiking, cycling, take part in yoga sessions and generally relax as a group. The therapeutic power of breaks like these is undeniable, as shown by the many letters we have received from those who attended:

“As a former Royal Marine Commando I have never felt that I could open up and talk about actions I have buried so deep for so long, but this trip have me the chance to relax enough to do so. It also gave my wife a chance to see, feel and hear what wives and partners go through and to feel a part of a group that could communicate with each other.”

“The Not Forgotten has provided me and my partner with a way to move forward, for which I cannot thank you enough.”

“On a very personal note, I would like to thank you and Simon & Sarah from Maison 10 for giving me the opportunity to do something I haven’t done since my injury and losing my sight 37 years ago – ride a bike. With the environment that was created, and the help and support of other beneficiaries on the trip, who rode in front and behind me to make sure I was OK, I was able to overcome the apprehensions I had about getting on a bike again. Although this was a massive challenge for me and still took total concentration to stay in the track, I did manage it and enjoyed it, so much so I did the bike trip the next day. So thanks to The Not Forgotten I have overcome huge personnel boundaries. What this means to me I simply can’t put into words.”

These quotes say more about the positive impacts of these trips than we could put into words. All that is left to say is a huge thank you to Simon and Sarah Post who organised this life-changing week and welcomed everyone with open arms.

Matt and Steve