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Rosie’s Recipes – Sticky Chicken

Our Head of Events, Rosie is often the head chef on our challenge and respite holidays.

Over the years, she has introduced numerous recipes which have been frequently requested by our beneficiaries!

This week, Rosie is sharing her Sticky Chicken recipe. It’s simple and delicious!


2 chicken breasts (skin on or off)

3 tablespoons of olive oil

3 tablespoons of chicken stock

3 tablespoons of honey

2 tablespoons of tomato puree

2 tablespoons of wholegrain mustard

Chopped parsley to serve


Preheat the oven to 170C, gas mark 3, or 325F

Set the chicken aside in a baking tray, and mix the remaining ingredients together thoroughly

Pour your mix over the chicken breasts

Cook for 45 minutes on 170C, gas mark 3 or 325F 

If the chicken is producing excess water spoon this off during cooking to allow the sauce to thicken to create sticky chicken!

Serve with chopped parsley