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The VPB: Victims’ Payment Board

The Victims’ Payment Board was established in February 2021.

It is a scheme that provides payments/pension for those living with injuries sustained in the Troubles/Op Banner related incidents in Northern Ireland from 1 January 1966 – 12 April 2010. The purpose of the scheme is to provide for those living with permanent disablement (either physical or psychological), caused by an injury in a troubles related incident. Individuals can apply for this even if they are already in receipt of a War Pension. The process will take time but can be really beneficial.

Caroline, one of our beneficiaries, has recently been through the process and wanted to let others know about the scheme.

“I applied for this pension as I was unfortunately injured in Northern Ireland. Initially I didn’t think I would be awarded anything as I am in receipt of a War Pension, and quite rightly, you cannot get paid for the same injury twice. After applying and going through the process, I was pleased to learn that I had been awarded a pension at a higher rate than my War Pension. As my War Pension is already in place, the VPB ‘top up’ the pension to the award amount. 

For example if an individual already gets a War Pension at 40% and VPB awards 60%, VPB will top up the pension by 20%. Unfortunately, when you pass your War Pension often stops then, but with the VPB you are able to nominate someone to receive your pension for a further 10 years at the original award of 60%. 

Many Veterans are missing out on this, simply because they don’t think they are entitled to it because they already get a War Pension. 

The scheme is possibly ending for new applicants this year, so, you need to start the process as soon as you can. Like all processes, it’s not the easiest, and I had to wait nearly two years, but it is definitely worth it in the end.”

For more information go to https://www.victimspaymentsboard.org.uk/